Weekly PIH: Just Everyday People Who Deserve a Punch in the Head

1. Sarah Palin and her mighty Telepalmer. (see below!)

2. The heartless aaaass behind the reduced-salt Sidekick commercials. They have awakened my long held belief that inanimate objects have feelings with their evil depiction of "wee salt shaker man" who has been reduced to peering through a rainy window at the warm, family meal inside. He cries his guts out-- literally; so do I. For God's sake: EAT SALT!!! As if those mop-hating bastards at Swiffer weren't bad enough.

3. "Keep the tofu balls warm honey, I'm gonna be late! Bob Barker's check cleared and I'm going to take a spin to Antarctica to ram a Japanese fishing vessel with the Bat Boat." AYFKM???? You can't even make this stuff up! Before PETA sabotages my blog with images of emaciated, staggering baby horses (and it has bacon in the name!): THIS IS NOT A STATEMENT IN SUPPORT OF WHALING!! But seriously, a Bat Boat!!! Riiiiiidiculous! LOL

4. Jerry the monotone GPS ass (Henceforth known as: GP-AAAASS) for plotting my route through the lobby of the MetLife building in Manhattan. I wanted to do it....just hammer down, jump the steps, plow right through, crash to a stop in a shower of glass in front of the rosy- cheeked Christmas tourists, climb out, slam the door, order some street meat and then sue those ill-informed, misleading bastards!!! FYI: This wasn't some Jesus revival tent clamored up in the middle of Park Avenue: It is one of the worlds 50 largest buildings, constructed in Nineteen Sixty-Freakin-Three!!!

5. The short, squeeky lotion cart bitch who followed me through the mall for 10 paces trying to give me a hand massage...am I in Thailand?

6. Every Engineer, inventor and Santa-Claus-His-Freakin'-Self for not coming up with a better hanging assembly for Christmas ornaments than that damn wire hook and circle crap! (Yeah, Yeah, I'm sweating the small stuff...cheaper than Hydro in December...)

7. The simple-minded, winter-jovials...all bundled up with their toothy smiles, waving as they waddle over the snow banks. You don't really like winter that much; it's a coping mechanism!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Snowbound: A Tale of Survival

Day One: Provisions

We know what may lie ahead and are busy gathering necessary provisions. Kari is mumbling and swearing to herself and we fear this will only increase. Mathieu fought mass hysteria at the LCBO and emerged with a full cart.

Wine (9 bottles).................check
Scotch (3 bottles)..............check
Meat (5 lbs).......................check
chips (2 bags)....................check
Blackberries (2).................check
iPods (2)............................check
PSPs (2)............................check
DS Lites (2).......................check
Playstation 3 (2).................check
Xbox (1)............................check
Cable/satt. (2 options)........check
P.C.s (2)............................check
Laptops (2).......................check

Night One: The Feast

We decided to make the best of our isolation by employing a large supply of our wine and meat stores. Mathieu created 4-inch meatballs and, if only for awhile, we forgot about the impending blizzard. We repeated the family creed to raise our spirits, and it was joyous..."Get drunk, eat meat!"

Day Two: The Storm Has Come…..We Ready Ourselves

The storm has come. Mathieu took advantage of the brief break to gather reconnaissance. The Napoleon Moon-Boots held out better than expected. We can't see the light post, but there is an escape cave from the front door now. Kari busied herself with organizing the iPod. We can't afford a shoddy playlist when the moment of desperation comes. Mathieu is trying to keep his reflexes honed and his senses sharp by closing the gates of Oblivion in the basement. Even wrapped in the slanket there is a chill. Kari maintained her mental prowess with a three hour bath and a nap. We know the challenges are great, but we must all do our part.

Night Two: At World’s End

We had hoped it was an illusion.....a mirage, but through the noise of the ice pellets Mathieu announced that the snow had reached the level of the deck. *sigh* Leftover meatballs were almost enough to recover the team’s spirits. We were forced to go further into the liquor stores. The team gathered in the basement for the appropriately named film, "At World's End." The wine and scotch made a marked improvement on me hearties, yo ho!

Day Three: The Light and the Soldier Cometh

Kari got as far as the inner garage door in her plan to attend the Women's Show with Rhonda in Ottawa. It was a disappointment....and a waste of getting dressed. Mathieu made recon. visit two to the front sector of the house. With the light came some hope....and through the light came the soldier of snow. Carl, our every-ready neighbor arrived with the snow blower. We took time to gather photographic evidence of the area.

We have now retreated back inside to gather our hopes that the storm has passed……and it’s cause for celebration, “Get drunk, eat meat!”


Unknown said...

Girl, you make me laugh!!!! I miss you so much, and feel for you up in that frozen waste land. If it is any consolation, it is still only in the 30's here. Have you dug yourselves out yet? I hope all is not lost. Let me know if I need to come and rescue you sometime! Regards, Chrissy

Unknown said...

Girl, you make me laugh!!!! I miss you so much, and feel for you up in that frozen waste land. If it is any consolation, it is still only in the 30's here. Have you dug yourselves out yet? I hope all is not lost. Let me know if I need to come and rescue you sometime! Regards, Chrissy