Weekly PIH: Just Everyday People Who Deserve a Punch in the Head

1. Sarah Palin and her mighty Telepalmer. (see below!)

2. The heartless aaaass behind the reduced-salt Sidekick commercials. They have awakened my long held belief that inanimate objects have feelings with their evil depiction of "wee salt shaker man" who has been reduced to peering through a rainy window at the warm, family meal inside. He cries his guts out-- literally; so do I. For God's sake: EAT SALT!!! As if those mop-hating bastards at Swiffer weren't bad enough.

3. "Keep the tofu balls warm honey, I'm gonna be late! Bob Barker's check cleared and I'm going to take a spin to Antarctica to ram a Japanese fishing vessel with the Bat Boat." AYFKM???? You can't even make this stuff up! Before PETA sabotages my blog with images of emaciated, staggering baby horses (and it has bacon in the name!): THIS IS NOT A STATEMENT IN SUPPORT OF WHALING!! But seriously, a Bat Boat!!! Riiiiiidiculous! LOL

4. Jerry the monotone GPS ass (Henceforth known as: GP-AAAASS) for plotting my route through the lobby of the MetLife building in Manhattan. I wanted to do it....just hammer down, jump the steps, plow right through, crash to a stop in a shower of glass in front of the rosy- cheeked Christmas tourists, climb out, slam the door, order some street meat and then sue those ill-informed, misleading bastards!!! FYI: This wasn't some Jesus revival tent clamored up in the middle of Park Avenue: It is one of the worlds 50 largest buildings, constructed in Nineteen Sixty-Freakin-Three!!!

5. The short, squeeky lotion cart bitch who followed me through the mall for 10 paces trying to give me a hand massage...am I in Thailand?

6. Every Engineer, inventor and Santa-Claus-His-Freakin'-Self for not coming up with a better hanging assembly for Christmas ornaments than that damn wire hook and circle crap! (Yeah, Yeah, I'm sweating the small stuff...cheaper than Hydro in December...)

7. The simple-minded, winter-jovials...all bundled up with their toothy smiles, waving as they waddle over the snow banks. You don't really like winter that much; it's a coping mechanism!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Acutely aware that not all things age well.......

I have always loved reveling in bygone days by re-telling the same old stories; rehashing long-gone situations; listening to nostalgic music; and even having the same conversations over and over. On our 12-hour drive to Mathieu's home town of Hearst each year for Christmas I make him tell me the same stories or fun-facts about the things we see. Every year he has to point out the "No Toronto Garbage" sign in Kirkland Lake that's been there for 15 years. (Isn't it incredible that the threat of incoming garbage is still THAT fresh for someone?) And of course, there is the Cold Weather testing facility in Kapuskasing and then, close to home, one of my favorites, Grandma's house! So, I have never understood the pressure to "try something new" and just "forget the past." I have some pretty good stories. I also married a man whose friends have some of the best "back in the day" stories going. They're a sure thing....they're tried and tested....and if it ain't broken, don't fix it!! But recently, I became acutely aware that not all things age well. This happened shortly after I was clapping with excitement when I saw that the movie "Footloose" had successfully been recorded on Tivo! That movie was sooooo cool!!! So, I settled in for a flashback. I was only somewhat disappointed with the opening credits. I mean, shoes are a weather vane for fashion. It's only natural that some of those shoes bopping back and forth would look a little strange. But as it wore on I realized that it was so much better when played back in my head. Ariel's pants don't ride up so high.....and the montage of a seemingly "cool" high school boy teaching another to dance isn't so.....uh, gay and utterly ridiculous. And most of all, a pent-up Kevin Bacon who breaks away to an abandoned warehouse because he's JUST GOT TO DANCE isn't so pathetic that I cover my head in embarrassment. It's so sad! This movie inspired me.....I played the soundtrack in my Walkman until it started smoking. It led to my sister and I dancing on our water bed while throwing handfuls of glitter into the air. It gave me a comeback when my uncle told us that dancing was Satanic. "But in the Bible it says that David danced!!!" I sputtered! But, regardless of those things, now, well..... it just sucks. *sigh* I still love it of course. But now I understand; Some things should be left in the past. If only I would have realized that BEFORE ordering the set of banana clips on ebay.

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