Weekly PIH: Just Everyday People Who Deserve a Punch in the Head

1. Sarah Palin and her mighty Telepalmer. (see below!)

2. The heartless aaaass behind the reduced-salt Sidekick commercials. They have awakened my long held belief that inanimate objects have feelings with their evil depiction of "wee salt shaker man" who has been reduced to peering through a rainy window at the warm, family meal inside. He cries his guts out-- literally; so do I. For God's sake: EAT SALT!!! As if those mop-hating bastards at Swiffer weren't bad enough.

3. "Keep the tofu balls warm honey, I'm gonna be late! Bob Barker's check cleared and I'm going to take a spin to Antarctica to ram a Japanese fishing vessel with the Bat Boat." AYFKM???? You can't even make this stuff up! Before PETA sabotages my blog with images of emaciated, staggering baby horses (and it has bacon in the name!): THIS IS NOT A STATEMENT IN SUPPORT OF WHALING!! But seriously, a Bat Boat!!! Riiiiiidiculous! LOL

4. Jerry the monotone GPS ass (Henceforth known as: GP-AAAASS) for plotting my route through the lobby of the MetLife building in Manhattan. I wanted to do it....just hammer down, jump the steps, plow right through, crash to a stop in a shower of glass in front of the rosy- cheeked Christmas tourists, climb out, slam the door, order some street meat and then sue those ill-informed, misleading bastards!!! FYI: This wasn't some Jesus revival tent clamored up in the middle of Park Avenue: It is one of the worlds 50 largest buildings, constructed in Nineteen Sixty-Freakin-Three!!!

5. The short, squeeky lotion cart bitch who followed me through the mall for 10 paces trying to give me a hand massage...am I in Thailand?

6. Every Engineer, inventor and Santa-Claus-His-Freakin'-Self for not coming up with a better hanging assembly for Christmas ornaments than that damn wire hook and circle crap! (Yeah, Yeah, I'm sweating the small stuff...cheaper than Hydro in December...)

7. The simple-minded, winter-jovials...all bundled up with their toothy smiles, waving as they waddle over the snow banks. You don't really like winter that much; it's a coping mechanism!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Family, Friends and All Things Deep Fried

All happiness in life begins and ends with my three favorite f-words: Family, friends and food. And of course, for my purposes, food includes drinks!! And something truly magical happens when two or more of these f-words come together! I have just enjoyed three versions of such an alignment and it was a beautiful thing.

1. Brother Dom and the Phu Yen Phenom: On a fateful day several years ago Mathieu stumbled upon the “Ginger Beef Special” at the Phu Yen restaurant in Kanata. Of all the wonderful eating experiences Ottawa has to offer, it was the Phu Yen that we took Mathieu’s family too when they came to visit. His brothers immediately fell equally in love with the Ginger Beef Special (which, we actually found out was only on special that first visit and could have been henceforth referred to simply as “Ginger Beef”). And so, this past week, just as we do each time his brother Dominic visits, we made the pilgrimage to the Phu Yen where they whipped up a plate full of that gingery wonderfulness. Due to distance we have so few opportunities to share the simple things with our family. And if I have learned anything about Drouins, it’s that they like routine…..and food. As I watched two brothers talk and laugh over their Ginger Beef I appreciated both.

2. Freedom, Friends and All Things Deep Fried: There was a time when it was far more common for country neighbors to come together for a meal and each other’s company. I guess people have become too busy for that. But it’s a pastime that is alive and well in Beckwith!! Our friend Kelly has taken having people over for dinner to a whole new level. Part of that might be that the woman is simply a divine cook. The table brims with all things reminiscent of a “last meal” and it is so good that you wouldn’t mind if it was. Deep fried cheesecake, southern-fried chicken, pies….culminating with the main event DEEP-FRIED TURKEY. These two giant turkeys get injected with sauce and dropped into a bubbling vat of vegetable oil!! I find it hard to think of anything beyond that as my body goes into strange happy shivers. But at Kelly’s it’s also about the generosity and openness of those around the table. So many friends sharing stories, lives, and laughter is something to behold, and that’s not to take away from the pure magic that IS a deep fried turkey.

3. Couples, Candles, and Conversation: I have to stop teasing my friend Shelley for her love of all things orderly, true and together. But it is something that was evident, and wonderful as three couples got together for dinner at her house. As adults, it’s relaxing to sit down for a nice meal. But as friends, it’s still great to accompany it with 12 bottles of good wine and snorting, belly-laughter. Finding friends who appreciate both is truly a gift, or as Todd would say, “it’s just swell.”

Today in Ontario is “Family Day.” I’m not so idealistic as to miss the fact that this new holiday was served up to us as an election ploy because our sanity is shaky this time of winter and we’ll vote for anyone who’ll give us a long weekend. But, even so, I am reminded how precious time is with our families, even if we’re just sharing Chinese food in Kanata. And, likewise, how lucky some of us are to have found the rarest kind of friends.....who watch out for us, truly know us, and become family. Everyone should have that…..and it, like everything, is better when coupled with something deep fried.

Friday, February 1, 2008

One-Trip Sally and the Long Cold Winter

It's only February 1st and I've had enough. At some point this winter the snow bank in front of our house was taller than I am (and I'm tall!). Then we got this deluge that melted it all, causing me night terror visions of water spraying into the basement. Then the temperatures dropped to a level that makes you afraid to touch your nose because you might send a snotcicle into your brain. And this might be a particularly snowy winter, but it's the same every year.....either piles and piles of snow…..or freezing rain.....ice pellets......sleet….arctic temperatures. Sometimes they don’t even know what to call it and they use this ridiculous term, “Wintry Mix.” And it's not just since I moved to Ottawa. Idaho's winter usually only lasts from November to March and there’s somewhat less snow.....but it's still a hefty winter. I have 33 years of experience with winter, and I pride myself on my extensive repertoire of coping skills (both healthy and unhealthy). But it's getting hard….and I think I know why:

First, there is the sad fact that venting has very short-term effects and winter here lasts for six months. To maximize the benefit, I like to pair up venting with feeling sorry for myself. But it's hard to feel sorry for yourself for toughing out the winter months when you live in CANADA. It's in the brochure. Unless you actually break a bone or get stranded in the wilderness no one feels sorry for you. Let's also remember that I'm in Ottawa, which is in the SOUTHERN part of Canada. I was in Northern Ontario when it was -50!!! As in 50 degrees below 0!!! That's so cold that they stop even bothering to convert it between Fahrenheit and Celsius....it's just -50 in both!!

Secondly, there are “The Pretenders.” (i.e. people who pretend to like winter.) I think their diagnosis is very similar to people who pretend to like liver......and housecleaning.....and Neil Diamond. They say things like, "You just need to find activities that you like to do in winter" (I have them.....they just don't involve going outside!! Ever!!!). Next it’s, "With the right clothes it's not cold...it's all about layering" (Are you kidding me? This layering thing must be a native Canadian skill because there aren’t enough layers to block out -30). Or I just love, "Isn't the Snow Beautiful?" (Sure, when I'm sitting on my couch drinking coffee, watching it fall in the backyard on the weekend. But there's nothing pretty about it the other five days of the week when I'm brushing it off my car while it slides down my coat sleeves. I’m sure that part of me is just jealous that some people have been able to brainwash themselves into thinking that they like shovelling 30 cm of snow in their 50-lb parka. But when they look up and wave I sometimes fantasize about launching an ice ball right into that toothy smile.

Last of all, the constant threat of falling on your ass just ruins the mood. It could happen at the grocery store.....walking to the car in the morning.....coming home late at night after a few glasses of wine.....or going to get the mail. It's there....looming..... In my case, most recently it was while carrying ten bags of groceries up the front steps. I am a one-trip Sally. Regardless of whether I buy $6 or $200 worth of groceries they are getting into that house in ONE TRIP. Well, as I waddled toward the house during one such trip my foot slipped on some ice on the bottom step. In a strange twist of physics the grocery bags were propelled upward over my head and I felt flat on my back in a shower of soup cans and deli meat. In the process I pressed the panic button on my keychain and the Mustang's horn started blowing and the lights started flashing. In a fit of pride I rolled to my knees, stuffed the groceries into the torn bags and propelled all of us into the house. That moment flashes vividly through my mind every time I step onto an icy surface...the professionals call it post-traumatic stress.

I know that despite it all, spring will come. The snow will melt. The temperature will rise. And from the ashes, one-trip Sally will rise again. But for now, I will have to rely on the short term effects of venting. I should be good now…..for a few days.